
According to the Merrian webster dictionary folklore is a group of the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth. A lot of these stories are created to convey a message or cause fear.


It’s believe that the legend of the Boto has its roots on the amazon river region. The Boto is believed to be a handsome young man that casts a spell on women in parties. He sleeps with the women and gets them pregnant and then before the morning comes he gets into the river and is turned into a pink dolphin. In the popular culture it is believe that legend came to justify pregnancies outside marriage in the 18th century.



It’s a protector of the forest and the animals in it. Its represented by a dwarf with long hairs and with his feet backwards he runs after everyone that disrespects the forest and when someone disappears in the forest a lot of people believe it to be his fault.



It is the story of a woman that had a relationship with a priest and as a punishment every Thursday night she is turned into a four legged animal that jumps a lot while her head is on fire.



O saci-perere is represented by a young black kid that only has one leg. He is aways smoking a pipe and has a red hat that gives him special magic powers. He causes a lot of non sense such as burning food and waking up people for no reason by making loud noises. this one-legged youngster is certainly one of the most popular characters of Brazilian folklore. He is mischievous and is blamed for anything that goes wrong on the farm. The Saci is known as a con artist that can disappear and reappear at will. Whoever can grab his red cap is granted a wish by the Saci, but legend has it that the cap’s smell is so bad, you may never rid yourself of it.



this ghost is placed on the Fernando de Noronha Island and is believed to be the ghost of a blonde (therefore German-like) woman. She seduces wreckless men and then carries them to their death.



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